A Practical Guide to Simple Sustainability
Prioritize environmental sustainability and well-being in your daily life.
“Living Green,” is a transformative book by Greg Horn that blends his professional expertise with his personal journey towards wellness. Inspired by his own battle with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, also known as “Sick Building Syndrome,” Greg embarked on a quest to find solutions for a less toxic, more eco-friendly life. This optimistic exploration led to the creation of “Living Green,” an instant bestseller that continues to resonate with thousands of people seeking a healthier lifestyle. With more than 155,000 copies sold before the era of widespread online book sales, Greg’s work continues to inspire individuals to prioritize environmental sustainability and well-being in their daily lives.
Let’s collaborate! Invite Greg Horn to speak at your next event. Learn from his visionary insights and be inspired by his success stories.
Great read!
"Awesome guide to becoming more sustainable and provides thorough information on how and why you should do so. This book presents information in an easy to follow manner, highly recommended for all those who want to become more "green" or would like to know more about the harmful things we expose our lives to, usually without knowing. This book shows simple ways to get started and even covers long-term or more complex issues. Highly recommend!"
Natalia V. Johnsen
Great book!
"Great great great book for a conscious living! I loved it! No more words needed really."
A great guide on Living Green
"A great guide on Living Green , just as it says, good practical guides to being more in sync with the planet and leaving a lesser carbon footprint, Phil."
Katrina Haffner
best for green newcomers
"As a person who has been trying to find ways to help the environment for years, I found this book sometimes redundant (although not necessarily bad, it's always good to remind yourself) but I also found some tidbits that were quite interesting, helpful, and sometimes just plain disgusting..."